Dental Implants & Veneers

Porcelain Crowns and Bridges Kansas City

Porcelain Crowns and Bridges Beautiful Tooth Repair

Replace one or more missing teeth

A missing tooth can affect your bite and prevent you from smiling; but with dental bridges offered at Gordon Dental Implants & Cosmetics, we can restore the function and appearance of your teeth. Dental bridges can replace one missing tooth or several, and rely on your existing, healthy teeth to support them.

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Learn about how dental bridges restore form and function to your smile

Enhancing the appearance of your smile

If you are missing one tooth or multiple teeth in a row, we may recommend a dental bridge to restore your smile. A bridge is a fixed dental restoration, meaning it is non-removable. 

The dental bridge is anchored in place through the use of two dental crowns, which are custom made to fit your smile and are placed on the teeth or dental implants next to the space left by the missing tooth. 

These crowns hold the artificial tooth in place to restore your smile, ensuring that your restoration will not easily shift or come loose. It typically requires only two visits to our practice to complete the dental bridge

Dental bridges are designed to last for many years and to restore the function, beauty, and health of your smile.

For more information on porcelain crowns and bridges click here.

A dental bridge can improve your
smile by:

porcelain crowns and bridges

Fill the gap in your smile!